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Business Model Canvas

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Project 3D - A Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Solution

 1. Description:


Project 3D aims to address the challenge of solid waste management through a comprehensive, integrated approach based on ground reality. It focuses on public awareness, community engagement, technological advancements, collaboration with stakeholders, and infrastructure development. By fostering behavioural changes, reducing waste generation, composting organic waste, and promoting recycling, the solution aims to achieve a cleaner, greener environment with long-term sustainability.


2. Features:


a. Distribution of Dustbins: Three different-coloured dustbins to be supplied to households, accompanied by clear guidelines and education on waste segregation. This feature promotes proper sorting of waste into wet, dry and hazardous and emphasises the purpose of each bin.


b. Incentives for Waste Collectors: A tiered reward system to be implemented for waste collectors based on the amount and purity of segregated waste they bring. They can be allowed to retain part of the proceeds from the sale of the recoverable material. Additional benefits such as access to healthcare facilities, skill development programs, and microloans can incentivise consistent segregation practices.


c. Waste Collection App Enhancements: The waste collectors' use a mobile app to register households with improper waste segregation and track progress over time. Real-time data on waste segregation percentages will aid in resource allocation and identifying areas needing attention. Besides, the app also registers hotspots of garbage spillage on roadsides and public spaces. 


d. Delocalised composting pits: By reviving composting pits in the backyards, in the local parks and in green belts, half of the waste to be carried by the waste collector reduces while provisioning good quality organic compost for soil health at the doorsteps. 


e. Collaboration with Schools and Communities: Partnerships with schools with good waste management practices as part of their curriculum, besides the awareness programs, workshops, and competitions. Engaging students and community members as change agents promotes waste reduction and proper segregation practices.


f. Resource Recovery Centers: Establishing resource recovery centres will facilitate the processing of segregated waste, focusing on composting organic waste, recovering valuable resources and recycling materials and sending hazardous and bio-medical waste to incinerators. Innovative methods like making refuse-derived fuel and using recycled waste for road pavements can ease the pressure on landfilling.


g. Monitoring and Evaluation: Implementing a robust monitoring and evaluation system will assess the effectiveness of the pilot project. Some of the key parameters for a community can be the amount of waste produced, the percentage of households giving segregated waste, the amount of waste going to the compost pit, the kabadiwalas and to the landfill. Regular assessments, stakeholder feedback, and community engagement will inform adjustments and ensure sustainability. 


h. Public Awareness Campaigns: A comprehensive public awareness campaign will be launched through various channels, highlighting the environmental and health benefits of waste segregation. Active community participation will be encouraged. 


i. NGO and Official Interventions: Collaborating with NGOs and local officials like the community motivators under Clean India Campaign will identify households struggling with waste segregation. Targeted interventions, such as motivational visits, will support and encourage proper waste management practices. Shaming tactics such as spreading waste in front of their eyes and segregating on the spot can also be game changers in bringing social behaviour change. 


Suhani Sharma, Delhi Public School Chandigarh

Samaj Sanrakshan Samiti, Punjab based NGO


F-352, Phase-8b, Industrial Area, Mohali-160071

               Punjab, India 7696046466


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